Wednesday, June 1, 2011

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!! Years Old, That Is

We arrived in Jericho mid-morning the next day and toured the site. Our guide wasn’t supremely knowledgeable (we hired him from the gate) but he did try his best. We saw several walls, which although they weren’t the original walls were still about 9,000 years old. By the time we got to the top of the remnants of the city it was getting REALLY hot, so we ducked into the visitor’s center cafeteria to get some lunch. The power was out temporarily, so they brought us falafel sandwiches and cokes with ice.

After a supremely refreshing lunch the power came back on and we loaded onto the bus to drive back into Jordan for the final week of our trip. Israeli security was again both confusing and harsh, but we made it through and into Jordan, whose security was more reasonable. After a long day’s drive we got back to the apartments and collapsed into a heap.

Our next day was willed with lectures and Sunday we took some time to relax. Instead of rushing off at around 8:00am like most of the days thus far, we instead slept in until around lunchtime, then paid a visit to the Jordan times. The senior editor came out to talk with us about Jordanian issues and the “Arab Spring” as it’s been called by the news media. He was optimistic about the future for Arabs, but at the same time didn’t think that one revolution would change a country entirely.

After visiting the Times we went back to the apartments for some much needed rest before our day trip on Monday.

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